Getting Started

Starter Bot

We make it simple & easy to have a bot for your website.

Just tell us what it needs to learn and we take care of the rest.

Bot Building Can Be Overwhelming. The Good News Is, We Make It Easy.



It’s simple & easy to get started with your own Starter Bot. Just Click Here.

Click Get Started to begin building your bot. Our Bot will ask for your name, contact information and the name of your business.

You will then be given a link to your own Starter Bot which you will use to create Frequently-Asked-Questions (FAQs) of your business. You simply enter a question, a couple variations of the same question, and the answer.

You will want to enter as many FAQs as you can upfront but you will always be able to add more as your bot is used by your customers.



Then give your Starter Bot a set of Frequently Asked Questions to learn.

You create the FAQs and then we train and test your bot.

Later, you will do your own testing. If if doesn’t answer correctly, you tell it correct answer and we will retrain your bot.

This cycle of train – test – train continues until you are ready to deploy you bot on your website.

Just tell your bot to deploy and we will send you an email with a small snippet of code to place on your website. It’s that simple.



Deploying your bot is just the beginning of its journey.

Your bot needs to be continually tested, audited and trained as it engages with your customers. It learns through experience which is supervised by our team that will correct your bot when it is wrong or doesn’t have an answer.

That’s what we do. We Build, Train and Maintain your bot for you.


Beyond Starter Bot

Answering FAQs is only the beginning for your bot. Over time and with use, more and more questions will be taught to your bot.

We will monitor your bot’s performance and send you a report each month. We will let you know about questions that the bot doesn’t know how to answer. You then simply Create the FAQs through your Starter Bot and we take care of the rest.

Once your bot is handling FAQs well, it can then learn how to do other things such as take messages, schedule appointments, and much more. It can even be extended to assist customers on social media and even over the phone.

The possibilities are limited only by our imaginations.

Chat Bot image

Let’s Get Started

Ready To Make a Real Change?

Let’s Build a Bot!